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How to Clean Rubber Seal Around Shower Doors

by:ORK      2020-02-25
The rubber seal around the shower door prevents water from leaking onto the floor, but it also captures soap residue and bacteria.If your bathroom stays warm and humid, the rubber seals in the shower will start to get moldy around.Commercial mildew and soapThe scum cleaner is formulated to clean it, but you don\'t have to use harsh chemicals.Do not replace the shower Caulker before you try to clean it;Even if the seal is black, you can whiten it again.Mix 1 cup of boron sand powder or baking soda with 2 tablespoons of mild liquid soap such as Castile soap or baking liquid.Add 2 cups of hot water and stir well.Dip the soft toothbrush into the liquid and scrub the rubber seal.Keep the mixture for 15 minutes.Fill a large cup with warm water and pour the water on the seal to rinse it clean.Mix 1 cup of white vinegar with 1 glass of water in a spray bottle.Add 1 teaspoon of castile soap or liquid.Spray and seal with vinegar mixture.Keep the mixture for 15 minutes.Scrub the seal with a soft toothbrush and spray each part again before scrubbing.Fill a large cup with warm water and pour the water on the seal to rinse it clean.Mix 1/4 cups of liquid chlorine bleach with 3/4 cups of water in a spray bottle.Open the bathroom vents or windows.Spray the seal with a bleach mixture.Let it sit for 15 minutes.Wear rubber gloves, scrub the seal with a soft toothbrush, and spray each part again before scrubbing.Fill a large cup with water and pour it into the rubber seal to rinse.
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