
Since 2006, Focus on rubber seals

Seal corporate culture interview

by:ORK      2022-11-17
For a seal enterprise, corporate culture is very important. A seal enterprise without corporate culture is like a mess of sand, an enterprise without soul, and an enterprise without cohesion. What is corporate culture? Corporate culture is the synthesis of the business purpose, values ​​and moral code of conduct formed by the enterprise with its own personality. Corporate culture is like an invisible bond that ties all people together. This effect is greater than 1+1=2. In the sealing ring production industry, what is the specific aspect of our corporate culture? In the corporate culture of the sealing ring production industry, we must let employees realize the importance of sealing rings in our life and work, realize the value of our work, and mean the importance of our work. In the corporate culture of the seal industry, we must let employees control the process of achieving goals. In the corporate culture of the seal industry, we must always encourage employees and encourage employees to encourage each other to achieve the best production results. Company website: https://www.orksealing.com/
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